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Personal Shopper
Need to send a gift quick? No time to shop yourself? Let one of Planet-38's Adult Boutique & Gift Store Personal Shoppers assist you - at no additional cost!

Just Contact Us with a description of the person you are shopping for (likes/dislikes, approximate size, etc.) and we will send you a selection of gift items* along with total price (shipping included), images of, and links to those items. Since we are constantly adding to our stock, there is always something new to choose from. And the fact that we are a boutique means that the items to select from are almost always unique to our site. So no need to return duplicate gifts!

You make your selection, process the payment, and your gift is shipped to your intended along with your personalized text or animated message (*a selection of messages you can personalize and gift wrap is sent along with the selection of gift items).

What could be simpler?

Note: Shipping time is based on the method you choose when checking out.