Home > All the Pretty Packages: Are You Buying The Merchandise or the Model?

All the Pretty Packages: Are You Buying The Merchandise or the Model?
Ever wonder whether you bought the item or the model showing the item? Which display/picture would make you more inclined to buy the product?
While our buyers are out and about shopping for the marvelous finds they bring to you, they also notice what is going on in the rest of the shopping world.
They report at least 5 different methods of displaying merchandise:
Regular visitors to Planet-38 have guessed that we currently prefer the "Home Base" style for our merchandise. We figure that not all of our shoppers are interested in what our stock looks like when used by or on someone 5'10" and 120lbs. Instead, they are interested in the quality and uniqueness of the item, so that is what we try to provide.
Even when a photo comes with the item, we frequently have our staff photographer re-shoot the item using our infamous krash test dummies because the provided photo shows more of the model than the merchandise. Generally, the only time we use the photo that comes with the merchandise is when it is sealed in plastic or if opening the packaging voids a warranty.
When you look at clothing or some other advertised product, are you imagining that you will look like the model featured or are you imagining your body and looks being accentuated by the product under consideration? We have learned, that unless we can guarantee that all of our shoppers look like, have the body type, coloring and height of the models, it's best not to have the distraction of a mass marketed mannequins when trying to determine what visitors to Planet-38 would like and use.
That's why we try to avoid using live models if possible, giving you the necessary blank slate to imagine what your heart's desire would look like on YOU.